Rendezvous With Your Psyche

We thrive in the good times to cower in the bad, if we could only meet the true facets within us, we would surpass what we are. Here we learn to meet our psyche to explore and discover our frontiers.

In the midst of a cluttered day submerged in deadlines and meetings, guess it will be hard to imagine having a rendezvous with your psyche to guide you through your turmoil. Psyche is a Greek term signifying “soul”. Psyche represents a totality of human mind, which includes conscious as well as the subconscious.

If “I” is the rubric for the ego, which is the basis for evolution, then does psyche have any role to play since both are diagrammatically opposite to each other in their influences.

 If holding hands of the ego, it directs you to the journey of success accompanied by

frustration, distress and competition and makes you achieve new heights, while of course fame and wealth bring stress along with it. Now, if psyche, leads the human mind, success is always absolute however not very captivating in the material sense. Human mind can be manipulated to get a glimpse of self-actualization, which in its stead can guide us to cross many obstacles before interfacing with the soul. Although the interest here is to use both ego, psyche to the best advantage and create a new form of success for ourselves.

The ego always makes us feel that we are important and this part of Self lives either in awe or in apprehension of losing this importance.       Nevertheless, this apprehensive feeling of risk also leads to discoveries and inventions. Let us dwell deeper, when we are placed on a Cliff with a life and death situation, the decision to jump or not is spontaneous. In hindsight, we do not seem to have analyzed at that instant whether it was right or wrong to save ourselves, influenced by my ego or my psyche, just try to

recollect how we made it. Similarly, in the game of life, sustaining through the darkest period proves more imperative than triumph or defeat.

None of us claim that we never had any challenges or nightmare and quote “my life is similar to a fairy tale where they lived happily ever after”. However, we all like to fantasize the most pleasant moments and do not like too vividly to imagine our nightmares. The panic of defeat creates an illusory distress forcing us to avoid mulling over it. The truth remains that whenever we are tormented with our fears or nightmares the best way to overcome, is to close our eyes and imagine the worst consequence keeping ourselves calm to think, How do I come out of it? It may be next to impossible to visit your nightmares at close quarters as if sitting with the devil himself, however since it is your imagination it will not come with the same fear factor as actual.

 This is the rendezvous with your psyche and ego. Here, ego helps you accumulate courage and psyche supports you with prudence and quick thinking to plan and act for a desirable result. Both will dig into your experience and make you admit the situation, making you fight better rather than focussing on deflecting or avoidance.

This ability once developed helps you manage anxiety. Gradually, these intuitive encounters transform you to defeat your worst nightmare or fear, if it ever stumbles upon you, will make you feel - I proved myself, did you?

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